Alrighty another week down in honduras. Its been raining alot still were just in that season i dont mind it too much. This week was pretty normal and calm. This next week will be alot more exciting and everything with changes coming up.
Well for this week on the last p-day we made things of clay like on one of those spining wheels i think i talked about that a little last week. But this time around i brought my camera so ill be putting some pictures on. The cool thing about the wheel thing to spin the clay its not automatic or anything like that is just a wooden wheel you spin with your leg its pretty cool and was fun.
Throughout the week on tuesday we had a great lesson with this family that we are teaching three of them named jonathan stefeni and elvis pretty cool name. Theyve been real recepetive in listening to the message and everything and this time we brought a member and its was so good. On sunday one of them came. The we talked to another one that lives there with them there mom the kids are olders but they still all live there together. Its pretty common here in honduras. Anyways overall its a great family weve found and been teaching we could be getting a few baptisims for it as well which would be great.
Other then that the zone is doing good and everything on thursday we had district meeting because there was another meeting on friday. It was good and the last of the change because this week well be having interviews with president bowler. Thats always fun just this one then one more and then the final interview but whos counting. Also we have consejo again for this month so just another thing for the week.
Everything is going well here in the area and with my companion Elder Judd we get along well. I like the zone too its not too big and everyone inside is real nice and good so i cant complain there or anything.
The last thing thats pretty important as well is we had a baptisim on Saturday!! This was the little girl named kimberly that we taught and got ready and everything her parents arnt members so thats why we had to take care of all the baptisim stuff and everything. It was a good baptism we had a few investagators there and she chose me to baptize her i kind of knew that was coming but i was just glad that at young of an age she knew she wanted to be baptized it was something special i feel like.
Other then that everything is going well here in the streets of honduras just pushing along one day at a time loving every bit of it. Well i hope you all have a great week i miss and love you all and well all talk again next Monday!