Saturday, December 31, 2016

La Ultima Semana del Año!

Well time is just flying by we can all say adios or goodbye to the year 2016 its so crazy how time works. 2016 was filled of many ups and down fun things and some things not so fun but i cant complain overall everything went pretty well!

Well they changed are pday again for the holiday the holidays here are real intereseting because no one does anything everyone is pretty much at home but no one want to talk to you and everything pretty much is drinkning they even put a rule on us for today that we have to be in our house after 6 at night so i guess that cool more or less.

Im not in the city so i wont get to see many fireworks anyways its just a small pueblo i think eaither way that everyone is just going to go to be and yeah. Well this week wasa pretty good its wierd running weeks pretty much monday to friday and not tuesday to saturday but it was  a good week.

Me and my compnaion have being doing alot of service which i really enjoy and has i have told my companion its something ive done quite a bit though my whole mission but my last weeks i want to be giving service at least one or two times. Normally we just go from like 7 in the morning till lunch and we can get alot done its been awesome.

A Church service Project we did Here (Helping Hands)

In small towns or where im at its really poor and theres alot of old people that can use some type of service so weve been focusing on that and everything well. Here we have alot of investagators more or less the work is real hard here no one really wants to talk to us but we had planned two baptisims for today but one we moved a little farther out the other one is a small child but hes super active and smart named Javier hes getting baptized in like a hour yeah it should be great!

Me and my companion mud painted a house for a older lady!
So everything is going well i cant belive i only have 20 days left just 20 days im excited and ready at the same time will be a little sad but i really feel that ive completed and still completing these last 20 days what i was sent to do and thats what feels the best inside to know.

Anyways i got to go i love and miss you all have a great and HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017. I hope there is great things to come for everyone just two emails left!!! Love you all have a great week!

After a Big Rain Storm!


Saturday, December 24, 2016

Nunca Hay Un Día Aburrido En La Misión!

Well This last month that i got left the schedule and everything that they have us on is a little crazy and difficult to explain so if the emails come in on wierd day sorry it just holiday time and we have alot of events and stuff going on in the mission. Eaither way I only got like 4 emails lefT=)

Well let me tell you the mission never gives you a day to rest and there is always many different things going on and well you could say that honduras yeah after 23 months is taking a tole on my gringo body! Ive been pretty sick for the last few months mainly with stomach problems well with that not getting any better and other small things I had a meeting and he said he had one last special mision for me and with the change it will help me put up with the last month of stomach problems because the weather and everything is alot different!

Sorry i cant rotate the pic but MERRY CHRISTMAS

It was a tough thing to do to have to say goodbye to Amapala a place I truly loved and everything but i know one day ill go back and visit and sometimes the lord just has other plans for you! So yep im in a different are now its called Moroceli a very small pueblo in the middle of no where about a hour outside the capital of tegucigalpa.

Its a branch that was stong a few months back with a assistence of around 80 but theres has been a few problems and has been down in the 30s for assistence and on the branch president there for priesthood holders. So i was told i may only have one month left but i have alot of work to do.

Here were in the desert haha but the cold desert its weird i imagine its a large part that i just came from a place that was in the 100s and up everyday now im in like the 70s and 80s and at night worse i sleep in a hoodie pants and a big blanket and feel like im going to freeze to death. But the heat was giving me problems with rashes and other things so now here i wont have to deal with that. My companion is new about 4 months he has and only week more than me in the area so its like were opening the area its been fun and interesting and busy. Hes from the republica dominicana he cool we get along well.

My new comp a little crazy but cool!

Anyways im going to leave you all with that info then well talk next week getting you some more info. Its been a little crazy and stressfull but im pushing along and hey before you know it ill be home 23 months down just 1 more to go sounds so crazy to say that but its real!!!

Welcome to Moroceli!

I love you guys miss you all thanks for your support love and prayers i can feel it all the way from here. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas or un Feliz Navidad! I look forward to talking to you all tomorrow and yeah enjoy the season!


Thursday, December 15, 2016

Lo siento solo fotos esta semana!

Hello everyone for a few different reasons ill only be able to put a few pictures up for you all this week. But just know that all is going well in my last few weeks and its almost christmas time so that also real good! Well love you all miss you all have a great week and well talk next week!!!!

Nothing like a stormy day on the Beach!

Another day working in Paradise!

ALL on Dock!

The Amapalan Streets!


Thursday, December 8, 2016

Muchas Sorpresas Y los Cambios!

Well well well the mission is filled with many diffrent suprises and fun. And thats how this week has been alot! I know i said that on my last change i was going to do like a pass over of my mission on the blog and all that but i changed my mind i have so much to write and talk about thats going on here in amapala ill just finish writing out about all the stories and everything going on here in my area!

Well the end of last week was filled with good and bad things i guess you could say. Weve been just been recieving alot of problems with who was out old group lider and also some recent converts and just things like that its all been taken care of now but its been a big head ace.

The awesome things is that this past saturday we did have our big activity and we also had a baptisim! It was awesome it would a youth or young adult of 18 years old named Alejandro! Hes a cousin of this really awesome family on the island that takes care of us a ton! It was a great experience for the family and for everyone.

Alejandro Me and my companion!
Then the following day we truthfully knew that my compànion was going to have changes so it  was kindof sad haha we had alot of good memories and things we did. I almost want to say with all the companions and experiences and everything that i had he was probably my faviorite  and probably even with all the trials and problems the best change yet. 

The Baptisim Spot!!
Now we just have to see this new change and how it goes. Well just when things cant get anymore crazy or anything well changes come up they call us on monday my companion head to a far area and they tell me well your going to be training a new missionary! The first time ever in the history of Amapala as well that a missionary has trained so it was pretty nerve racking and stuff.

Well changes comes we get up to tegucigalpa for changes and everything. I dont know why but i said to my self watch there going to give me a gringo or american hes not going to know spanish nothing. ahha Well something like that my new companion is named Elder Silva! Hes from Brazil! He speaks portugues i couldnt belive it hes been speaking spanish for one month now and he doesnt really know english eaither!

The things that is good is spanish and portugues are really simaluar so the month he had in the mtc helped him alot he knows quite a bit but asks me to tell him things alot it cool and fun! Im excited to finish with  a brazilano companion and maybe learn a little portugues at the same time. It should be fun training and should make the time fly by real fast!

My last companion Elder Silva from Brazil!
I cant belive its coming to a end yeah 42 more days then ill be home im not sure how to feel but im just going to keep on pushing along until the last day! Everything is going great I love you all miss you all and well talk to you next week!