Well i imagine that alot of you are thinking why are you writing on a thursday. Well let me asure you im not planching or anything haha. So here the deal real fast to tell you what happened the past few days then youll kindof understand it all.
So on monday we recieved the changes. My new area is called Amapala its a island that is in the mission its down in the south. My new companion is named Elder Ordoñez. He is from Guatemala. Hes not real new hes still a little under a year! The last 24 hours that ive known him he seems pretty cool.
Anyways on Tuesday we just spent the whole day saying bye to members packing my bags up and just getting everything ready. It was a very lond tiring sad day haha. Anyways the santa maria or zone valle de Angeles was awesome the members my converts and everything im going to miss them and the area and all that.
La Familia Vallecio (converts) "There awesome and two werent there" |
Well then came changes but it was a little crazy. We had changes in the morning we got our new companions and everything. The thing is that the whole mission was there at changes. Because then in the afternoon we all went to a church next to the temple and we got to hear from Elder Oaks! Yes one of the 12 Apostles! It was really cool to hear from him and other leaders!
La Familia Bertand (Alan and Mirian) "One of the best familys ive met im my whole mission" |
Anyways after that we got on our busses divided by area of mission that you were going to go to and we headed off with our bags and everything in the back. Well after a few hour bus ride we made it to the south but it was like yeah 6 at night already. They told me no from this main road you still have to take over a hour bus ride then you have to take about half hour boat trip to get to the island of Amapala. And the last boat takes off at like 5:30. So your going to have to stay the night here in whats called san lorenzo where the zone and all the other areas are.
Brother Lopez (Wife was Working) "Love this guy has a bean business and speaks perfect english" |
So we stayed the night here with some other elders. The thing is that normally we come up to san lorenzo on thursday my companion told me for district meeting. Then after district meeting we write and then we have to buy food here in this town then take it all the way to the island because its alot cheeper and also theres not much there on the island. Also theres no internet on the island so thats why we write here in the bigger iner town!
Ill tell you the truth im just going with the flow and what im told for all i know there taking to sacrfice me or something im not sure. I trust my comp and what everyone else is saying. Just hope that the island is dope and that im going to eat some shrimp or fish or something when i get there then ill be happy.
Anyways thats the run down as far as i know. While everyone else is in there new area, im still making my way there! Well just remebers THURSDAYS i write now for the rest of my mission because im finsihing here! Well i love you all miss you hope you all have a great week and a happy halloween!